Dec 25, 2013 | AccessEasyFunds, Commission Advance, Real Estate Commission
When sales are slow and your next commission is weeks away, you will find our real estate commission advance a real lifesaver. A commission advance you pay your rent, bills and other expenses on time. It helps you start new projects so that you can make your next sale...
Dec 14, 2013 | Real Estate Commission
Financially, one’s life as a real estate agent may be full of ups and downs. In good months, you manage to make several sales and you suddenly have a lot of money. In bad months, you might fail to make even one sale. That’s when you will find our real estate...
Nov 6, 2013 | AccessEasyFunds, Commercial Broker, Commission Advance, Real Estate Agent Tips, Real Estate Commission
Being a real estate agent comes with its own set of advantages and problems. On the bright side, you are your own boss and do not have to answer to anyone. The more you can sell the more money you will make. On the flip side, you may encounter periods of time where...
Oct 31, 2013 | Real Estate Agent Tips, Real Estate News
The majority of first time home buyers are young couples who are looking for a great house to call their own, but have very little or no knowledge of the actual processes involved. Although they will generally do some online research before starting the home buying...
Aug 21, 2013 | AccessEasyFunds, Commission Advance, Real Estate Commission
Commission advances are a service that is available to Canadian real estate agents. The service is meant to help cash strapped agents balance their cash flow and meet their financial obligations when sales are down and commissions are yet to arrive. Since you can...