Sep 25, 2017 | AccessEasyFunds, Commercial Broker, Commission Advance, Real Estate Agent Tips, Real Estate Commission, Real Estate News
As we outlined in a separate post this month, the overall trajectory of real estate markets in Canada is undergoing a bit of a course correction at the moment, as the public adjusts to a variety of government policies and – of course – the announcement that mortgage...
Jul 14, 2014 | AccessEasyFunds, Commercial Broker, Commission Advance, Real Estate Commission
Commercial real estate deals often involve a much larger amount of money than residential deals and therefore a much larger commission in terms of dollar amount. As well, it can take several weeks to several months to complete the sale. A commercial real estate agent...
Jul 11, 2014 | AccessEasyFunds, Commercial Broker, Commission Advance, Real Estate Agent Tips, Real Estate Commission
If you are a new real estate agent or thinking becoming one, it is natural for you to want to understand how long it will take to receive your real estate agent commission. Here is the answer: you get paid after the successful completion of the deal. But there is one...
Jul 7, 2014 | Commercial Broker, Real Estate Agent Tips, Real Estate Commission
Commission is the engine that drives the real estate industry. The more deals that a real estate agent can close, the more commission they earn. This is the reason they work so hard and invest so much of their time and money on each property, whether it sells in the...
Mar 18, 2014 | Commercial Broker, Real Estate Commission
A career as a real estate agent can be exciting and lucrative. The success or failure of your real estate career depends upon how motivated, hardworking, persistent and professional you are. To succeed you must be a good communicator and listener, be able to create...
Nov 13, 2013 | AccessEasyFunds, Commercial Broker, Commission Advance, Real Estate Agent Tips, Real Estate Commission
AccessEasyFunds provides Canadian real estate agents with convenient commission advances, a service ease their monetary problems until they receive their commission. Since commissions often take many days to arrive, this service is very popular with real estate agents...