Mar 20, 2014 | Real Estate Agent Tips, Real Estate Commission
Are you toying with the idea of becoming a real estate agent? You have probably heard how some have made a fortune by selling other people’s properties and are tempted to replicate their success for yourself. Before making it your career, there are a few things you...
Feb 13, 2014 | Real Estate Agent Tips
Getting started in the Canadian real estate industry as a real estate agent isn’t complicated. If you can pass an examination and obtain a license, you can set up your own office the very next day and start looking for clients. But that’s when things come into...
Mar 19, 2013 | Real Estate Agent Tips
Mortgage rates for homes can often be a challenge for most home buyers to afford. Not only do mortgage rates cause stress for the buyer, it can seriously affect the real estate agent as well. Mortgage rates often change year to year, and the rates depend on the...