Jul 11, 2014 | AccessEasyFunds, Commercial Broker, Commission Advance, Real Estate Agent Tips, Real Estate Commission
If you are a new real estate agent or thinking becoming one, it is natural for you to want to understand how long it will take to receive your real estate agent commission. Here is the answer: you get paid after the successful completion of the deal. But there is one...
Jul 7, 2014 | Commercial Broker, Real Estate Agent Tips, Real Estate Commission
Commission is the engine that drives the real estate industry. The more deals that a real estate agent can close, the more commission they earn. This is the reason they work so hard and invest so much of their time and money on each property, whether it sells in the...
Dec 25, 2013 | AccessEasyFunds, Commission Advance, Real Estate Commission
When sales are slow and your next commission is weeks away, you will find our real estate commission advance a real lifesaver. A commission advance you pay your rent, bills and other expenses on time. It helps you start new projects so that you can make your next sale...