Real estate agents work many days and long hours to close a sale. Selling and buying a house can be no easy task, and real estate agents invest weeks, months and sometimes years to find the right buyer and the right home for their client.
Agents work solely on commission, which means until a house gets bought or sold they don’t make an income. Even when a house has been closed, it still may take weeks or even months until all of the paperwork is finalized and the agent receives their commission. This can put extreme pressure on realtors who both are just starting out and have no income currently, or other agents who have expenses and need a consistent income to pay them.
This is the reason AccessEasyFunds advances agent commissions. We understand that agents work grueling hours, night and day and should be rewarded with a consistent income that will allow them to be able to continue to sell homes. Furthermore, we advance commissions because it is a another aleternative for real estate agents to receive their income than by turning to lines of credit, personal loans and payday loans. There are fewer restrictions and the services are customized to meet real estate agents needs in the current market and in the future.
There are a lot of benefits that AccessEasyFunds has allowed real estate agents to see through advance commissions.
- No longer restricted to only one deal at a time
- No restrictions on how much money is advanced
- The deal is not restricted to closing within 90 days
- No minimum deposit thresholds
AccessEasyFunds advances agent commissions because we understand the hard work and dedication it takes to making a sale and not being rewarded. Giving agents the opportunity to feel secure and confident that they will receive their commission the moment a deal is done is what gives them the motivation and opportunity to continue selling.
If you want to get paid today, complete our online application form and get started.